python Developer

  • +91 953 494 4809
  • Python, Data Structure, Django
  • HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap5
  • Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib
  • Machine Learning, Data Science, Deep Learning (TensorFlow, Keras), NLP (nltk), Spatial Analytics
  • MySQL, PostgreSQL
  • Version Control- Git,GitHub
  • Tools- Jupyter Notebook, PyCharm, Visual Studio Code
  • English
  • Malayalam
  • Hindi


Strong analytical thinker with problem-solving and presentation skills. Hands-on experience in using Python, Django Web Application technique and solid programming skills.

work experience

WIPRO Ltd, Bangalore
Senior Associate
July 2019–January 2021
  • Worked with maps team to improve the mapping and thereby experience of riders and drivers of Uber for different countries.
  • Analyzing Uber trips to rectify mapping errors for providing efficient routing based on predefined parameters
  • Analyzing different categories of Uber trips based on client’s requirements.
  • Data Management and Analysis using Uber Analytics tool and Excel.


Travel website using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap5
  • Developed a static website for travel from scratch using HTML, CSS and Bootstrap
  • This responsible website contains highlights of some important places along with high-quality photogallery and allows people to book their dream destination within their budget.
  • This project is in HTML, CSS and Bootstrap so it’s a static website and does not perform any type of dynamic database operations
  • Tools and technologies: HTML, CSS3, Bootstrap5, VS Code
Coffee Shop Website using CSS HTML
  • Developed a static website for coffee shop from scratch using HTML, CSS
  • Static website mimics an actual coffee shop website with features that includes,Menu items, photo gallery, products for purchase, about the company and a contact form
  • The design is pretty simple, easy to operate and understand by the user
  • The website does not perform any type of dynamic database operation as the project is in HTML and CSS
  • Tools and technologies: HTML, CSS3, VS Code
Personal Resume using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap 5
  • Developed a modern static resume template using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and Font-Awesome
  • Template is fully responsive
  • Compatible with all modern browsers
  • Tools and technologies: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap5, Font-Awesome, VS Code
Car brand classification using Deep learning
  • Developed a model using Transfer learning which will classify the given image in to three car brands.
  • Created a classification algorithm using transfer learning by fine-tuning Resnet50 network.
  • Performed data augmentation using ImageDataGenerator (zoom, shear, horizontal_flip)
  • Model is able to predict the images into particular brands of cars
  • Technologies: Deep learning, Transfer Learning (RESNET50), Keras, TensorFlow, ImageDataGenerator
Real Time Twitter sentiment analysis for UberEats and Zomato
  • Extracted live data from twitter related to UberEats and Zomato using the library Tweepy for scrapping tweets
  • Performed preprocessing using Regular expression and calculate sentiment using TextBlob.
  • Found the polarity of the tweets and stored the sentiment in a csv file with appropriate header
  • Read csv file and created a function which visualize the data continuously.
  • Tools and Technology: Tweepy, Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, NLP (TextBlob, re).
ToDo Application Using Python
  • Developed an Todo app using python and Django frame work
  • User can add new items to the list by clicking a button, update and delete items from the list once the work gets completed.
  • Used Django class-based views.
  • Added styling using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
  • Tools and technologies: Python 3, Django, SQLite, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, PyCharm.


North Eastern Space application center[ISRO], Govt of India
Spatial data analyst - Intern
Jan 2018 – May 2018
  • Demonstrate and implemented the GEE platform for identifying minor crops in North east region using high resolution satellite imagery
  • Used Sentinel-2 Satellite data for evaluating land cover maps for the study area in Assam
  • Performed Feature Extraction and image classification
  • Applied Random Forest machine learning algorithm on cloud computing platform for training and testing.
  • Tools and Technology: JavaScript, Machine Learning, GEE


  • Indian Institute of Information Technology & Management- Kerala

    M.Sc. Computer Science with Specialization in Geospatial Analytics

    [July, 2016 – July, 2018]

  • University of Calicut

    B.Sc. Computer Science



I hereby acknowledge that the above given information is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.